Request an Account A time- and space-shared platform for research, education, and development in distributed systems and networks. Emulab's primary goals are ease of use, control, and realism, achieved through consistent use of virtualization and abstraction.

Emulab is a network testbed, giving researchers a wide range of environments in which to develop, debug, and evaluate their systems. The name Emulab refers both to a facility and to a software system. The primary Emulab installation is run by the Flux Group, part of the School of Computing at the University of Utah. There are also installations of the Emulab software at more than two dozen sites around the world, ranging from testbeds with a handful of nodes up to testbeds with hundreds of nodes. Emulab is widely used by computer science researchers in the fields of networking and distributed systems. It is also designed to support education, and has been used to teach classes in those fields.
Cluster Status
Active Experiments: 1
TypeFree% Inuse
c6220 1
98% inuse
r320 37
71% inuse
r720 0
100% inuse
Projects 1129
Users 4276
Profiles 15
Experiments 2365
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